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giovedì 22 novembre 2012


Ho ripreso la ricetta  http://uncuoredifarinasenzaglutine.blogspot.it/2010/11/blitz-di-mele.html usando anzichè il mix di Felix e Cappera la farina della Schar mix dolci con 25gr di fecola e 25 gr di Maizena. Visto che a noi piace ho aggiunto 50gr di uvetta ammollata e una pera............. che in casa avevo solo due mele anzichè le tre richieste x la ricetta.Ho ridotto lo zucchero portandolo da 150 gr a 100 gr.Il risultato come sempre ottimo.............. la torta di mele è quella che più gradiamo sia io che il mio dolce maritino!

1 commento:

Unknown ha detto...

Did you know there's a 12 word phrase you can tell your crush... that will induce deep emotions of love and impulsive appeal for you buried inside his chest?

Because hidden in these 12 words is a "secret signal" that fuels a man's impulse to love, adore and guard you with his entire heart...

===> 12 Words Will Fuel A Man's Love Instinct

This impulse is so built-in to a man's brain that it will drive him to try harder than before to do his best at looking after your relationship.

Matter of fact, fueling this dominant impulse is so essential to getting the best possible relationship with your man that the moment you send your man a "Secret Signal"...

...You will instantly find him open his mind and soul to you in such a way he haven't expressed before and he will see you as the one and only woman in the galaxy who has ever truly fascinated him.